What is a High Performance Home?


A high performance home is one which excels at efficiently providing a safe, healthy and comfortable environment for its occupants to live in.

It is widely agreed that the NZ building code sets the standard for “the worst house you are legally allowed to build in NZ”. Code minimum houses can still be considered warm and nice to be in and perform relatively well compared to our older housing stock but they should only be the starting point rather than the target destination when considering how you want your home to perform.

There are a few key areas that we focus on to achieve excellent performance in your home. With good planning and a build team that have your goals in mind, it can be easy and cost effective to create a high performing home for you to live in and benefit from in the long term.

Some of the key areas that we focus on to lift the performance of your home may include:

  1. Controlling passive solar gains

  2. Appropriate size and quality of insulation

  3. Designing suitable window systems

  4. Effective management of internal moisture and air quality through ventilation

  5. Well planned spaces that suit your way of living

  6. Strong and resilient structure to suit our specific windzones and earthquake zones.

As well as the above, we also have experience in working to the following building standards and can incorporate these during design. Click on the links to find out more.




Call or email us to discuss what a high performance home could look like for you.